Our favorite people. Our favorite place. MEET US IN CABO!

Gabrielle & Mitchell

October 17–20, 2024 • Cabo San Lucas, BCS, Mexico
152 Days To Go!

Our favorite people. Our favorite place. MEET US IN CABO!

Gabrielle & Mitchell

October 17–20, 2024 • Cabo San Lucas, BCS, Mexico
152 Days To Go!


When should I RSVP?

Please mail in your RSVPs by May 17, 2024!

What should I wear?

The dress code for our wedding is formal/cocktail attire. We suggest that men wear a suit in any color and women wear a cocktail dress or a nice pantsuit.

When should I arrive?

Please plan to arrive in Cabo on Thursday, October 17th. All of our guests are invited to join us for a welcome cocktail that evening. We will provide additional details and updates regarding the full schedule of festivities we have planned for the weekend shortly.

Where should I stay?

Our vision for our wedding is to have all of our friends and family together in one place for a fun, relaxing weekend in Cabo. We would love and enjoy having all of our guests stay at the wedding hotel with us in order to get the most out of the experience. We have blocked 25 rooms for the dates of October 17 to October 20th at Chileno Bay Resort & Residences. Please visit our Hotel Accommodations page for more details.

When should I book my room?

If you are staying with us at Chileno Bay Resort, please make your plans as early as possible to ensure that you get the room type and take advantage of our discounted rate! Rooms are available at the group rate until the room block has been filled or until August 15th, 2024, after which standard rate and availability restrictions will apply.

What's the best way to book?

There are a few options. You can call Chileno Bay Resort & Residences directly at +1 844.207.9354 or email cbr.reservations@aubergeresorts.com to secure your room. When calling to reserve your room, mention that you are attending the Gabrielle Consolo & Mitchell Polnet Wedding room block and have your personal credit card ready to guarantee your reservation. You can also book your room directly through our secure link: https://be.synxis.com/?adult=1&arrive=2024-10-17&chain=16237&child=0&currency=USD&depart=2024-10-20&group=1024GABRIELLE&hotel=70874&level=hotel&locale=en-US&rooms=1. Please visit our Hotel Accommodations page for more details.

What does the wedding day schedule look like?

Our wedding day is Saturday, October 19th. The entire event will take place on site at Chileno Bay Resort. The ceremony will begin at 4:30 pm at La Playita followed by a cocktail hour at Comal Bar. The dinner and reception will begin at approximately 6:00 pm at Comal Restaurant + Chileno Galleria. The party will end at around 10:30 pm and then we will head to the afterparty. We will be able to provide additional details and specifics regarding the wedding day schedule shortly. Please come back and visit our All the Details page in the coming months for more information.

What Else is Planned for the Weekend?

The weekend will be a mixture of planned events and down time to do whatever you'd like. For those arriving on Thursday, we are planning a meet up for welcome cocktails in the evening. Friday is a day to really enjoy your vacation. Our venue hosts a golf course, pool, beach, tennis courts, spa, (and so much more) so there are really endless ways that you could choose to spend your time. If you prefer to hang out with the bride and groom, we will share details of our plans for the day shortly. There will be a rehearsal dinner for family and bridal party in the evening. Guests who do not attend the rehearsal dinner are free to make their own plans. Saturday is free until our wedding starts at 4:30 pm. On Sunday, our guests can join us for a casual poolside brunch before heading home. We will provide details regarding the full schedule of weekend activities, including the times and locations for each event, shortly. Please come back and visit our All the Details page in the coming months for more information.

Can I bring my kids?

We love your children and would love to see them running around on the beach with their toes in the sand. However, in order to allow parents a well-deserved evening off, we have chosen for our wedding day to be an adult-only occasion. If you chose to bring your kids with you to Cabo, please arrange for child care at the hotel for the evening of October 19th starting at 4:30 pm.


Your presence at our wedding is the greatest gift we could ask for! Please do not feel obligated to give anything else. If you would like to honor us with a gift, you can have it delivered to our home. A wedding card box will be at our reception.